FlexKeeper Virtual Services
in West Palm Beach, FL
Business Financial Management
Bookkeeping & Accounting
Tax Preparation
Administrative Support
and so much more!
Business Financial Management
for your Company in West Palm Beach FL
Running a small business is no easy feat. Whether you operate your business individually or have a full team, you deserve recognition for the hard work. Additionally, there are several challenges you may face of having to wear multiple hats within your business. Managing your business finances is most likely one of the more difficult responsibilities. This is where our professional Business Financial Management services can benefit you and your West Palm Beach Florida company.
The FlexKeeper team of Business Financial Management experts are the perfect remote solution for your business. We will be the extra hand you need to help with planning, budgeting, reporting, and so much more. Our goal is to work towards being your trusted parter for many remote solutions that can be of benefit to you!
Learn more about our Business Financial Management services for your West Palm Beach, FL company!

Bookkeeping & Accounting
for your Company in West Palm Beach FL
Do you know how healthy the margins are for your business? Is your business growing Quarter over Quarter? What are the most help needed financial areas of your business Year-to-Date? Are you on track to hit your revenue and profit goals? These are a few questions used as a starting point to determine if your business is on the right path to financial success. However, most small business owners are not confident in the answers to these questions. This is where the FlexKeeper team is here to help your company succeed. We proudly provide 5-star Rated Virtual Bookkeeping and Accounting Services in West Palm Beach, FL.
Tax Preparation
West Palm Beach Residents and Business Owners Trust
Tax Day always seems to be right around the corner. The months fly by so fast, and before we know it, we rush to get our taxes filed to avoid a penalty. It’s no surprise that the majority of individuals and business owners wait until the last minute to prepare their returns. As a result of this poor planning, individuals and businesses end up making overpayments on their taxes. The IRS is constantly making adjustments to its credits and deductions, which is why working with a highly qualified tax preparation company in West Palm Beach is very important.
Administrative Support
for your West Palm Beach FL Company
Feeling short staffed is very common for small business owners. There always seems to be extra tasks that pile up, but unfortunately there’s not enough time in the day. We completely understand, and we have a solution for you!
Data entry and workflow solutions are a sample of what our remote FlexKeeper team can do for you at an expert level. We get the job done at a lower cost than hiring a new employee, as we know the challenges involved in that. Chat with us to learn more about our Administrative Support West Palm Beach FL business owners appreciate!
QuickBooks Advisor
Workflow Solutions
Our specialty is to create processes that streamline your business efficiently. We use our knowledge of resources to guide you.
Social Media Administrator
We coordinate and create future posts to promote your company on Instagram and Facebook. We also keep your company’s profile up to date.
We streamline your tasks by handling customer payments through reminders, invoicing, payment processing, and more. Making your job easier is our priority.
Business Development
Analytically and strategically, we are a stable foundation to benefit your business in growing and improving.
“We really stand behind women-owned businesses and instill confidence to keep breaking the glass ceiling.”
FlexKeeper Founder, Jodi Plett

We’re passionate about numbers, names + knowing.

Stack it up. Jenga-style. We’ll keep it balanced.