FlexKeeper Virtual Services
in Orlando, FL
Business Financial Management
Bookkeeping & Accounting
Tax Preparation
Administrative Support
and so much more!
Business Financial Management
for your Company in Orlando FL
Small business owners have a never-ending list of responsibilities that demand your time and attention. Operating your business often takes the highest priority, and the financial management tends to fall by the wayside.
The problem is that when your business finances are neglected, it can result in serious consequences. Without proper financial management, cash flow can become a negative issue that hinders the growth of your business. This is where FlexKeeper comes in.
At FlexKeeper, we take pride in providing the highest quality business financial management services to the Orlando, FL area. Led by an experienced CPA team, our remote experts are dedicated to keeping your finances on track. This allows you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.
Learn more about our Business Financial Management services for your Orlando, FL company!

Bookkeeping & Accounting
for your Company in Orlando FL
The finances of your business are one of the most important concepts to ensure your company’s health. Following professional Bookkeeping and Accounting practices is how your company’s health is monitored. This includes keeping track of all the financial transactions that occur within an organization, such as sales, purchases, receipts, and payments. The data from these financial reports is crucial for making informed business decisions and preparing accurate tax returns. The remote team at FlexKeeper is here to help your company succeed. We are proud to provide 5-star Rated Virtual Bookkeeping & Accounting Services in Orlando, FL
Tax Preparation
Orlando Residents and Business Owners Trust
Individual and Business Taxes can be very challenging if trying to do them on your own. The IRS is constantly adjusting the credit and deduction allowances which makes understanding the tax codes even more difficult.
This is why the remote team at FlexKeeper is your perfect solution for all Tax Preparation Services Orlando FL residents and business owners prefer. We work with you to accurately prepare your taxes promptly. Gone are the days of stressing a last-minute tax filing submission. In addition, we offer tax strategy solutions to ensure you keep the hard-earned money you deserve!
Administrative Support
for your Orlando FL Company
How great would it be to get some extra help in your business without having to hire new employees? That To-Do List that never seems to end will no longer result in sleepless nights. FlexKeeper proudly offers a cost effective way to provide Administrative Support for small businesses.
Whether you need data entry or implementing workflow solutions, our remote team will provide value at the highest level. Contact us today to learn more about the Administrative Support Orlando FL business owners appreciate!
QuickBooks Advisor
Workflow Solutions
Our specialty is to create processes that streamline your business efficiently. We use our knowledge of resources to guide you.
Social Media Administrator
We coordinate and create future posts to promote your company on Instagram and Facebook. We also keep your company’s profile up to date.
We streamline your tasks by handling customer payments through reminders, invoicing, payment processing, and more. Making your job easier is our priority.
Business Development
Analytically and strategically, we are a stable foundation to benefit your business in growing and improving.
“We really stand behind women-owned businesses and instill confidence to keep breaking the glass ceiling.”
FlexKeeper Founder, Jodi Plett

We’re passionate about numbers, names + knowing.

Stack it up. Jenga-style. We’ll keep it balanced.